7 Yoga Poses for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

7 Yoga Poses for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

To overcome the health issues and the various pains that people are facing in their bodies, all that you must do is Yoga. Even the simplest of yoga poses can bring a vast difference in your body and make you feel ten times younger.

The primary benefit of regularly doing Yoga is that it helps discipline your physical as well as the mental state of mind and helps you attain peace. Various Yoga poses or ‘asanas’ help in flexibility, strengthing the body and also helps in gaining confidence.

People are facing multiple problems in their larger intestine that often cause problems like cramps, gastric problems, bloating of the stomach, constipation, suffer a disorder known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. This disorder is faced by many people today, even though severe symptoms are not that common and are manageable if the right attention is given to their diet, lifestyle and most importantly practicing Yoga.

Yoga indeed cannot be called a permanent treatment for IBS but is sure to remove some of the symptoms that one must be facing.

The first yoga pose that is going to help relieve the uneasy feeling in your body is this comfortable half knee-to-chest pose. The other name of the pose may clear your doubts more clearly. It is also known as the wind-relieving pose. The pose helps relieve gas from the body and also tightens the abdominal muscle.

One can do it either by lying on the bed or on the floor. The knees have to be bent while you are lying on the floor, and feet must be touched to the ground to make a good position. The right thigh then must be pulled into the chest with fingers interlacing with the hamstring.

The opposite leg can be extending, keeping the head and shoulders relaxed. Taking deep breaths while doing this pose and repeating the same with the other leg is undoubtedly going to be helpful.

This pose is either done with or without support to make sure of a healthy exclusion posture, which helps ease IBS. Standing with your feet apart in the width of your yoga mat and bending your knees and lower hips towards the floor, forming a squat like position is what you need to do.

Your palms need to be together, forming a prayer-like posture bringing the upper arms inside the knees bending the elbows.

The arms and thighs must press against each other, keeping your spine bone straight relaxing the tail bone. You can choose to stay in this pose for about five to six breaths.

A pose that instantly help to release gas from the body by targeting the belly area and the gastral organs. One needs to lie on the mat or bed with the knees bent and resting the heels on the floor. The next thing to be done would be bringing the knees closer towards the chest and gripping them with your hands.

This pose will automatically make your spine flexible, giving you the option of lifting your head from the ground or bed and bringing it towards your knees. With a repeat of three to five times, you are sure to gain comfort and feel better.

Gas or bloating can also form up due to stress or tension. The pose wide-legged forward fold can help release stress that causes gas.

One needs to stand tall with feet that are wider than shoulder-distance apart. Your hands should be on your hips with slightly bending the knees. One must take deep breaths while doing this pose. While exhaling the fingertips must touch the floor keeping the head closer to the mat.

When you want to release the pose, make sure to bring back your hands on the hips and be back in the standing position.

A simple posture, that each person can include in their daily routine. When done together, this pose can help increase healthy digestion by internally assisting and massaging. Doctors also suggest this pose to patients suffering from IBS constipation.

One’s hands and knees should be in such a direction that it would look like a tabletop position with the palms set under the shoulders and the knees should be under the hips. The tabletop position should look like you are pressing the ground rather than breaking up your chest, exhaling while drooping your chin to have a view of the navel known as the cat pose. On the other hand, lifting your tailbone and head upwards is the cow pose.

Since this posture has the entire weight on the back of a person’s neck, it can prove to be a little dangerous if one does not be careful enough and practice.

If you are doing it for the first time, the best solution would be to stack up a folded yoga mat or a blanket to align your shoulders into them. After this lifting, the hips will be more relaxed by keeping your hands on the hips and lifting the legs. Staying in this pose of a few breaths is going to help relieve your IBS symptoms.

The spine and back muscles are the most relieved as this pose stretches these muscles. All you need to do is place your palms directly under the shoulders and bring your elbows back tight to your sides. Next, lift your chest off the floor and hold the position of a few moments.

The Yoga poses for IBS are definitely not going to get you rid of the syndrome but is sure going to have an impact on your body. Also, with regular practice or routine one can slowly erase the effects of the syndrome. Yoga, therefore, is not just helpful for the mind but also internal problems.

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