How to Become a Breathwork Coach

How to Become a Breathwork Coach

Looking for a career that is helping raise the vibration of the world? Tired of the hustle culture creating a stressed and sick population? Want to truly help make a noticeable difference in an individual's lives by introducing them to tools that will catapult them toward living their best lives? 

Become a Breathwork Coach

Breathwork is spreading like wildfire in today’s world, taking its foothold next to yoga and meditation as a tried and true go-to for individuals hoping to destress and take control of their minds and bodies and you could be at the forefront of the movement.

What is Breathwork

Breathwork is the intentional manipulation of one’s breathing pattern to achieve a specific outcome. This is used in a variety of ways to help calm the central nervous system, lower heart rate and blood pressure, help manage emotions, lower cortisol, and create a general feeling of contentment and calm.

While almost everyone has rolled out a yoga mat in their lives, an entire session dedicated to simply breathing may seem a bit foreign. Breathwork may not be as mainstream as yoga- yet- but it is well on its way to becoming an integral part for a healthy lifestyle.

What is a Breathing Trainer?

When it comes to beginning your breathwork journey, seeking out a breathing coach is an important step. But what does a breathing coach do?

Just like how you go to a yoga class to learn from a qualified instructor, it is vital to seek out professional help on your breathwork journey. Certified breathwork coaches are trained to help guide you through breathing exercises safely and effectively. 

Breathwork changes your breathing pattern, forcing you to breathe in deeper and exhale much more forcefully than you would do during normal breathing. Any time you interfere with your breathing, you run the risk of becoming light headed or faint. This can be especially true during intense breathwork sessions. Having an expert guide to help set you up for success and to be there if you have questions can help enhance your breathwork sessions. 

In addition to guiding you through current breathing techniques, breathwork coaches can help create a plan that is inline with your goals. These tailored training courses are geared toward you and your desires. Your coach wants you to succeed as much as you do and the scheduled check-ins and meetings can help hold you accountable.

How To Become a Breathwork Facilitator 

Do you resonate with any of these statements? 

●     You are searching for fulfillment that is not being met in your current life?

●     Do you want to connect with other people trying to better themselves and raise the vibration of the planet?

●     Are you a yoga instructor, Reiki Master, therapist, healer, natural path or in a similar field looking to add an extra tool to help your clients?

●     Does your own breathwork journey feel ready to grow to include guiding others down the same path?

●     Are you looking for a way to add extra money to your bank account through a rewarding and exciting career path?

If you answered yes to any of these statements, exploring the options to become a certified breathwork facilitator may be right for you. 

While there are many different training programs online, choosing the right one for you doesn’t need to be difficult. SOMA Breath is a leading voice in the breathwork community. They have been studied by NASA scientists as well as participated in a study with Cambridge University to show the effectiveness of breathwork in treating mental illnesses. The founder, Niraj Naik, left a career as a pharmacist to help treat people in a new and more positive way. 

Becoming a SOMA Breathwork Facilitator opens the doors to a lifelong journey helping others, creating a community, and being a part of the change from overly medicated and stressed out to calm, content, and at peace. SOMA Breath is truly helping create world peace one breathwork session at a time.

What is Breathing Coach Certification? 

Once you enroll in a breathwork certification course, you gain access to the tools, community, and support you need to begin changing your and everyone around you’s life. Breathwork coaching certification is broken down into a few smaller levels that allow you to learn and grow at your own pace while always having something to strive and look forward to. 

These courses will teach you the basics of breathwork sessions, proper breathing techniques, and other technical knowledge as well as diving into how to market yourself, gain clients, retain clients, and advance in your career. Breathwork certification courses prepare you to work with clients individually in a one on one coaching situation as well as teach and manage group classes.

Breathwork Coach Salary

While money isn’t the reason most people get into breathwork training, it is an important factor to consider. Breathwork instructor salary can range depending on many outside factors including where the individual is currently living or working. According to ziprecruiter, breathwork facilitator salary ranges from $14 to $48 per hour. 

Living in a high demand area including larger cities like Los Angeles, Miami, or Chicago helps individuals find jobs at established studios as breathwork is highly in demand in these places. However, the power of the internet offers an entirely new way for coaches to meet and interact with clients. 

Another way to increase a breathing coach salary is by starting your own studio or offering classes on your own. Being able to set your own price for the classes you offer and designing training plans, one-on-one coaching opportunities, and more help you achieve financial success at a much faster rate. 

Creating and maintaining strong connections with other professionals in the field can help you grow and mature as a breathwork coach as well as offer insider tips on how to grow and care for your business. Genuine connections cannot be overlooked as one of the best marketing tools as it draws in both new clients as well as peers. 

Breathwork may be below the radar of the general population for now, but the industry is gaining ground rapidly. Grab your breathwork coach certification now to really reap in the benefits in the next few years. Living a more stable, grounded, and stress free life while making a career helping others achieve the same is priceless.

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