When life gets muddy, be like the lotus

When Life Gets Muddy, Be Like The Lotus
Many spiritual teachings encourage a state of mind known as "detachment." In this state, you step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and become an observer rather than a participant. This mindset is seen as a path to inner growth because it liberates you from distractions and conflicts. While Raja Yoga also teaches detachment, it uses a beautiful analogy to explain the concept – that of a lotus flower.
Think of a lotus flower. It's unique in that it grows in muddy waters. The muck submerges its roots, yet its petals remain pure and unsullied. This paradox is the essence of detachment. It's about being close to what you want to be free from and using it to help you grow rather than isolating yourself from it.
Let's consider our personalities. Often, there are parts of ourselves that we're not fully aware of or don't particularly like. Subconsciously, we try to reshape them into something more appealing. For instance, we might work exceptionally hard due to a fear of disapproval. This is the opposite of detachment. It involves doing things not for their fundamental value but to sustain our image.
The lotus flower doesn't try to turn the mud into something else; it acknowledges that mud is just mud. Yet, the mud also provides essential nutrients for the flower's growth. Similarly, we often find ourselves in situations we dislike – our version of "the mud." If we can recognize this and avoid misshaping or trying to escape it, we can use this situation to promote personal growth.
Another common scenario is when we want to break free from someone or a relationship, but we feel entangled in it. The person near us might be the best teacher we could have, provided we can see the valuable lessons they bring and not focus on minor flaws.
Detachment is about freeing ourselves from these biases and partiality. It involves seeing the bigger picture. For instance, if we've messed something up and exposed ourselves to criticism, detachment lets us step back from the task, stop possessing it, and appreciate its inherent worth. It's like painting for the sheer joy of it rather than seeking approval for "my" picture. The act of painting will continue, irrespective of our involvement.
Detachment empowers us to stand alongside our so-called "enemies" and respond to them sincerely, discovering how they often vanish when we approach them with an open heart. On the flip side, detachment means keeping our distance, enabling us to see things more clearly. It's like becoming an emotional weatherman, capable of assessing, predicting, and preparing. Detachment liberates us from time constraints and, most importantly, from the skewed perspective that places "I" at the centre of the universe. We begin to understand that when someone interacts with us, they're not solely focused on us but bring many thoughts and concerns.
In essence, detachment is a virtue that brings emotional stability, realism, and a sense of renewal. It makes others feel comfortable around us, knowing they can come and go without any drama.
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